Τμήμα Γεωπονίας

Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο

Κind welcome of three professors within the frame o Erasmus+, 12.00-14.00 Tuesday May 23, 2023

Dear students and Professors,

We have the honour to welcome three Professors/Researchers within the frame of Erasmus+. You are all kindly invited to meet them. Please, inform anyone that might be interested.

During this first meeting, according to your interest/availability, they will arrange their lectures and personal meetings on May 23, 24, 25 and/or 26, 2023.

– Dr Isabel Dinis, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (www.esac.pt), Agriculture School, Coimbra, Portugal (email: kiril@esac.pt). Meeting on  Tuesday, May 23rd, 12.00-12.30, Amphitheatre AGRO, Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University (www.hmu.gr).

Topic: Trajectory and resilience of agropastoral systems in the Centre Region of Portugal

Research summary: Agro-pastoral systems in southern European regions have been subjected to various disturbances in the past few decades. Still, a certain amount of resilience allowed to withstand its sharp decline. The Serra da Estrela cheese production, the most representative agro-pastoral system of the Portuguese Centro Region, is presented as a case study to better understand the trajectory of this systems, its adaptation to internal and external changes and evolution trends.

– Dr Kiril BahcevandzievCoordenador da Licenciatura em Biotecnologia, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (www.esac.pt), Agriculture School, Coimbra, Portugal (email: kiril@esac.pt). Meeting on  Tuesday, May 23rd, 12.30-13.15, Amphitheatre AGRO, Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University (www.hmu.gr).

Topic: Use of seaweed extracts as biostimulant and biofertilizer in vegetable crops

Research summary: Seaweed has been used since ancient times as a soil fertilizer and to transform infertile soils into fertile soils. Seaweed research has allowed, in recent years, to profile several species of seaweed and their valuable compounds for different areas, such as human food, animal feed, biomedical and pharmaceutical. In this case, with the wish to make agriculture more ecological and reduce the use of synthetic products, there was a gain in the research of seaweed compounds as plant biostimulants. However, in some countries in the North Atlantic Area, there was a tradition of collecting the seaweed that landed from the sea. In Portugal, the most relevant is called “sargaço”. This presentation explores not only algae as plant biostimulants, but also published data on seaweed species as plant biostimulants to understand the potential of this tradition.

– Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Hadi AYDIN, Siirt University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection. Siirt/TURKEY (email: hadiaydin@hotmail.comhadiaydin@siirt.edu.tr). Meeting on  Tuesday, May 23rd, 13.15-14.00, Amphitheatre AGRO, Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University (www.hmu.gr).

Topic: Important problems of pistachio and its biological control. Morphological diagnosis of fungi and biological control fungus; Trichoderma spp.


We look forward to meeting Isabel, Kiril and Mehmet! They will further inform us on Erasmus opportunities for Greek students to visit their countries.


Our best regards,

Konstantinos (Paschalidis) and Yannis (Daliakopoulos)


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